Friday, March 6, 2009

Equipment: Keen Commuter Sandals

Last year I returned to cycling, and I bought myself some new equipment. One of the best buys I made were the Keen Commuter Sandals -- I made it based on this review. The ones you see here are about a year old; they have 1700 biking miles and over a hundred hours in spin class. As you can see, they have SPD cleats and plenty of tread left:

Off the bike: I do not hike in them, but I do use them to and from spin class, and off the bike as necessary, and it's not a problem. The cleat will contact the ground in cement, but they are still comfortable for walking. It's probably best to be careful on hardwood floors. Cleaning is easy -- wear them in the shower or hose them off.

On the bike: This is where they shine -- as you might expect. They are stiff, and fit my feet well. I do not have to tighten them with the straps you see here, but that's available if they stretch. They are comfortable, and I just don't think about using another pair.

There is one drawback to these sandals, and that's at about 40 - 45 degrees F. My feet get numb until the day warms up. I don't wear socks -- I haven't worn socks in spin class or on the bike since I bought them. However, I may reconsider this policy when the temperature is 10 degrees with wind chill, as it was a few days ago.

These are -- for me -- perfect cycling shoes, and I wouldn't want anything else.

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