Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 10/11 Marinett to Escanaba

The weather was crisp, the sky was sunny, the winds were behind us. It was a fantastic biking day.

I was up at 3, working. I woke Sue up at 5:30 and kept working. She was out early and on the road, calling every now and then to remind me to take my time and enjoy the ride. She got to Michigan first.

I left the hotel late in the morning. Sue is getting stronger every day -- especially relative to me. I was in pretty good shape when we started. The first working day I caught up with her at mile 20, albeit he didn't start very early, and the directions were terrible, but it made me feel strong. Later on she started early and I never caught her. This would have been a day where I didn't catch up, except that she waited a couple hours for me at lunch. Note that she is towing a cart until I catch up, and if she wasn't we would never see each other on a working day.

People here put a lot of effort into lawn ornaments.

Sue took a picture of this house before we met. She caught a seagull on the chimney.

Coincidentally, I took a picture of the same house.

The rocks are supposed to save the road when the water gets high.

The first thing Mark does when he gets out of the cart? Knocks over a bike on his way back in the cart.

Young children are natural anarchists.

An embarrassing picture.

Another M-bear-assing picture.

We arrived fairly early, fed the ravenous children and watched them drift into unconsciousness, then we passed out. I did a lot of work on the "rest" day, while it was cold and rainy outside. Sue took the kids to Kmart, post office, etc. We had to mail back her laptop because it died a few days ago. Which is why the website hasn't been updated.

When the kids slept again after our "rest" day, we finally figured out where we were staying the next day in Manistique.

60 miles, 496 total. Almost half way!

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