Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 4, May 6,Chicago to Zion

Today was my first work day. The Plan is that Sue takes off early (9 ish) and heads north. I get up early (before 5) and work as many hours as I can (11). Then I put in a couple of hours in the evening at the hotel.

The directions I had were from the wrong address, so the mileage was off. Sue called a couple of times to check with me. She called again at the end of the trail, but I'm looking at a Bike-Chicago map, and she was in traffic, so it took some patience to get everything straightened out.

Biking through Chicago is strange. Sometimes it's lovely and quiet like this:

Sometimes you see spectacular city/nature views. The tilt is the path, not my camera.

And sometimes you go toe-to-toe with cars.

When I was going the right direction, and knew it, I'd see these markings on the ground. To me, they look like... dna swimmers, although Sue thought it meant "Circle tour".

The trails sometimes treat you like you're an idiot. OK, I AM an idiot, but really. Besides which, you can't get the Luggage anywhere on a sidewalk because it's too wide for utility poles. How do people in wheelchairs do it?

I had a lot of work in the morning. I'd been gone two days, and there was a lot of catching up -- no time to blog. Plus, Sue was having such a crappy time on the ride. I raced to catch her, making up time because, well, she had scoped the route for me. Plus, I didn't have a cart. Things got better, though.

We got to Zion around 7pm, and stayed at a lovely hotel at the Zion State Park Resort. The staff were fantastic and the rooms were nice and roomy. Annie helped a lady on a wheelchair through the doors, showing her how the buttons worked. Annie was jealous that the lady could ride her "bike" inside the hotel.

We had a late supper, I worked as late as I could while Sue took the kids swimming. They went to sleep right away, so we could talk and plan the next day.

59 miles, 202 total.

We were on this route most of the time.

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